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1)  Heavy duty construction for years of use
2)  Auto air root pruning for bushy roots
3)  Grow up to 100 seedlings per sq foot of benching
4)  Deep cells give adequate soil for each size
5)  5 inserts of any size fit into Multipurpose(MP) Tray
6)  Easy to place on benches, handling and carry into field
7)  Suitable for vegetable and ornamental seedling and cutting production.

New Introduction
New Perma Plug Trays

1)  Square cells for more media per plug
2)  Large bottom hole for air root pruning and easy pushing out of root ball
3)  Air slots to allow ventilation between leaves of seeding or cuttings
4)  Flow grooves to even out water to each cell during irrigation
5)  Labels easily fixed onto tray
6)  Fits our New MP Tray so fit 4 sets to a standard CC Trolley shelf.


Small Cells (PP-200):  200 cells per tray.
Suitable for smaller seedlings such as Chinese cabbage, herbs, petunia etc.
Will give 100 plugs per square foot of bench space.

Medium Cells (PP-150):  150 cells per tray.
Suitable for general purpose use such as lettuce, brinjal etc.
Will give 75 plugs per square foot of bench space.

Large Cells (PP-100):  100 cells per tray.
Suitable for large vigorous seedlings such as tomato, watermelon, papaya etc.
Will give 50 plugs per sq.ft of bench space.

Large growers of Exotic vegetables use our Perma Plug Trays from last 10 years. Simple benching keeps tray off ground and reduces disease.

Ornamental tissue-culture plugs - air pruning gives superior roots, allowing plugs to be pulled without using net pots.

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